''New Earth Record Keeper'' 480 Gram Gaia Stone Andara
The Emerald Green Gaia Stones from Mt. St. Helen's are just one of a kind among the record keepers.
They carry pure heart energy of the anima Terra, the soul of the Earth. Assisting you with embodiment by their grounding and harmonizing gifts, soothing the heart and energizing the body.
Bringing in beautiful Codes and strongly connected with the heart of the New Earth they all carry their own signature and informational streams as the record keepers that they are. You will feel the resonance and you will know when the connection is meant for you.
The high frequency is manifesting magical connections, opening up and reconnecting a deep remembrance.
Also a wonderful to work with during meditation, anchoring the energies during gridwork and sacred ceremonies.
Be aware that these Andara's are raw and real so they are not tumbled, cut or polished and can have sharp edges. You may choose to lightly file down any sharp edges with some fine sandpaper.