The Alignment Mat and Activation Portal are used during treatments, providing empowering support for both myself and my clients.
With greater clarity, topics and insights naturally emerge, allowing clients to reach deep relaxation more quickly and receive treatments with greater ease

The session on the Crystal Heart Alignment Mat helped me transform a deeply rooted pain that I had never been able to reach before.
Afterward, so many new insights emerged, bringing profound clarity.
It has helped me cultivate a deeper understanding of myself and the situation.

What a beautiful and loving embrace this Space is
Just now, on the Celestial Stargate, a deep coldness was released from the back of my heart
My heart feels like it is opening even further, reaching profound depths. I also notice that I can connect more easily with the Earth

~Where resonance meets your Home~
I was immediately in this expanding heart-portal energy that was just WOW. Was quickly taken into an expansive heartspace and it just kept getting deeper.
Reminded me of sitting on a huge vortex in Sedona.

Exclusive Portal Prints

- Handmade in the Netherlands
- Shipment Worldwide
- Custom Made Activation Portal - Handmade
- Custom Made Portal Prints
Inquiries about available Creations, Custom made options or Quantum Designs,
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