
The Galactic Heritage Collection
'The four pillars of light serie'
Beautiful Seer
Ancient Oracle
A heavenly embrace
We call forth
Welcoming you back
Wisdom of the sage
You are here
Now to share
Into this brand new space
Spread it out
Just pave the way
Into the Golden Age

The Galactic Heritage Collection
'The four pillars of light serie'
It is the circle of creation
The spiral going up
Entering full consciousness
Awareness of being
The centre of the Ascended one
Fully linked to source
All that is me
All that is you
It is only within the all
One discover their inner truth

The Galactic Heritage Collection
'The rainbow Bridge'
Start to shine a thousand lights
Beaming like the sun
Weaving all the golden threads
As the rainbow we become
A colorful expansion
Connecting all the dots
Building from this pathless path
Forever has now begun

The Galactic Heritage Collection
'The Twins serie'
Bridging the gap of duality into unification
It is born
It is now
All is for you
You made your vow
All initiations
Crowns to wear
For twins to gather
As a pair
To merge again
What was long gone
Collapsed back into One

The Galactic Heritage Collection
'The Twins serie'
Bringing in and anchoring the sacred divine codes
Unlocking more of the divine self for embodying and living heaven on earth.
This, is your promised land
Living your divine purpose at all times
From the inside pouring out
Walking your sacred path of higher knowledge
Completely centered with-in your Divine self

The Galactic Heritage Collection
“Sisters of the sacred Rose”
Mary Magdalene lineage
The holy grail is filling the cup of all initiated
Restoring the power of the feminine energies, within through and around you
As the individual, your field, flowing through and beaming out
Restoring your connections and real-ity
As the pure sovereign immortal light that you are
Bringing back into form new earth energies
Ready to be created, to be build from this solid foundation
From the purest frequency emitted out of the sacred heart
A powerful expansion can be felt
Opening up and activating more of your pure divinity
As so, more of the dna will be constructed back into the divine template
As the original blueprint is being restored,
your galactic heritage is coming online